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Modernity modifies tradition

No roof should be completely flat

No puddles should remain on its surface after the rain; when the snow is melting, it should be possible for the water to run off, it should not freeze at night. Dust and leaves carried by the wind and birds, rubbish – they should run off as well. It should be equipped with the self-cleaning function. Otherwise, the water will find its way inside the building.

And unfortunately, it happens quite often. In flat roofs, tightness defects constitute as many as 84% of technical defects reported in new buildings within the guarantee period.

In order to avoid it, the roofs are not designed as flat. They have slight pitch for the purpose of water drainage. Roof slopes enable the water to run off to drainage channels. Their slopes direct it towards the drain.

But as roof tightness still constitutes the weakest link, it means that these solutions are not simple or reliable enough.

It should not look this way! A roof constructed two years before, with long catchment and long drainage channel… Permanent puddles and stagnating water are the most frequent causes of defects and leaks.

We suggest a new solution to this problem

We suggest a new solution constituted by circulate drainage. We form the roof in the shape of a row of round funnels – inverted cones with their center in the drainage point (corresponding with roof slope), with their centers in the drainage point to roof drains. On the roof shaped in this way, each water drop follows the shortest path from where it falls to the drain.
The slope is the same for the entire roof structure and the roofing has been performed without additional cuts in order to adjust them to the shape of hips and channels. Fewer cuts limit the risk of leak through connection joints. Direct drain reduces the risk of stagnating water and puddles on the roof.
The photo presents: real roof performed with the use of the GradeRoof technology with virtual circulate drainage mesh according to GradeGroup circulate design.
Technology of course requires some sacrifice and such roof shape poses some challenges as well. They are constituted by a complex design process aimed at adjusting subsequent “funnels” to the roof and to one another for a perfect match.

The process also requires exceptionally precise prefabrication of subsequent panels in each funnel in order for their curves to form perfect slope of the “funnel”/inverted cone.

… but we will take care of design and realization challenges for you to enjoy the advantages to the fullest.

Each thermal insulation panel (irrespective of the material) includes a print specifying the order of assembly of roof panels according to the “module” arrangement.

The contractor is provided with a set of numbered components marked in a way to easily arrange the pitches basing on the attached documentation – just as jigsaw puzzle without pictures.
Panels are arranged on flat roof surface and after their assembly they form a perfect circulate slope directly to the drainage. In this way it is not necessary to construct complex drainage channels on the roof.

The investor obtains a durable and tight roof serving its function for many years without stagnating water.

And as a bonus, no waste, residues or scraps pollute the environment as all leftovers remain within the factory and are recycled.

A versatile solution

GRADE ROOF is a modular system with built-in circulate pitch. With this System it is not necessary to construct complex drainage channels or catchments on the roof. The roof is provided as a prefabricated set of components ready to install and accompanied by instruction manual. It is designed under the form of various circulate drainage sections. Each section has the form of an inverted water drainage cone.

The panels are installed on flat roof surface that after their assembly form a perfect circulate slope directly to the drain. It means that it is not necessary to construct complex drainage channels on the roof.

It is possible to direct this flexible system in any direction towards the drain.




The animation of various arrangements and division into sections of circulate drainage of roofs and a terrace.
The example of a roof in Oslo. Perfectly even circulate solution, without the necessity to apply counter pitches or wedges, shape the catchment or create long drainage channels. A perfect roof. Original photo.